9 April 2011

From a galaxy far, far away...

Nebula galaxy wedges, £112.90
Nebula galaxy trainers, £59.58
You can buy your own unique pair of these hand-painted shoes by KUSTOM KIX from Alexandra Sophie's Etsy page.

I'm listening to: 'Heaven's on Fire' by The Radio Dept
Images from: Etsy.com

6 April 2011

She sells sea shell (cards) on the sea shore

Here are some pictures (of varying quality) of shell cards I drew to send to my brother and sister-in-law in Bejing for handing out as gifts; it's very much a present given country apparently.

5 April 2011

Two cool pics for Tuesday

Love these River Island shoes (in the sale) but they're not really my style
Chanel to go please!
I'm listening to: 'F**k You' by Ceelo Green
Images from: riverisland.com

2 April 2011

Holographic nail varnish? No way

Yes way!
I present to you... sci-fi nail varnish! It's pretty awesome, if a little tacky.

I'm listening to: 'Jump' by Van Halen
Images from: afterDRK

Did you miss me?

This has been me for the last two weeks; too exhausted from all the pain to even type a few words.  However I'm definitely over the worst of this episode, bring on the next one!